2020年7月30日 / 最終更新日時 : 2020年7月30日 tomiyama-fumi English In Yangtze River basin, extending area for residential or industrial use due to rapid development will enlarge damages from floods. Receiving diagnosis of location is crucial when you plan to get land for residenc […]
2020年7月30日 / 最終更新日時 : 2020年7月30日 tomiyama-fumi English Floods scale of Yangtze River basin may have been growing due to three factors: 1) the growing amount of water vapor associated with climate change; 2) the aged protective infrastructures; a […]
2020年7月30日 / 最終更新日時 : 2020年7月30日 tomiyama-fumi English Floods are frequent in the Yangtze River basin in China, from ancient times. In recent years, large floods have occurred every 10 years, with possibly growing scale of events and damages. To reduce damage […]
2020年7月27日 / 最終更新日時 : 2020年7月31日 tomiyama-fumi English Losses and Deaths that could be avoided was posted on the English page. Hurricane Sandy, 2012: All patients’ evacuation
2020年7月26日 / 最終更新日時 : 2020年7月26日 tomiyama-fumi Twitter 蛟龍蜿蜒水禽白。氾濫した川を横たわる龍にたとえています。 城南行という詩中の一句です。https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/China-must-act-now-to-prevent-Yangtze-floods-getting-worse